[N00b Question] How to see my income?

Hi Drake! Welcome to the community :grin:

Well, that’s gonna depend on how much you invested in BPro when Bitcoin was around $55K. You can do this:

  1. See how much Bitcoin (or RBTC) you invested to generate BPro
  2. Estimate how much RBTC you would currently get if you were to convert your BPros back into RBTC.
  3. Compare both values and you’ll get the profit.

Regarding how the price is calculated, you can find more info about it in this post

Finally, the Settlement event is only for BTCx. Neither your DOCs nor your BPro are affected by this. The settlement takes place each 86.400 blocks (or about 28 days).

Let us know if you still have more questions :+1: