Proposal for fixing new coinpairs in Money On Chain Decentralized Oracles (OMOC)


  • The proposal contemplates fixing the USD/COP, USD/ARS, and RIF/USD CoinPairPrice proxy contracts to use the same implementation of BTC/USD CoinPairPrice proxy contract.
  • This minor issue was introduced with the last change made by the Proposal for adding pairs in Money On Chain Decentralized Oracles (OMOC) and will be solved with this new proposal.
  • Solves problems related to the MOC token unstake process.

Proposal details

:warning: Warning: some technical/coding knowledge is necessary to fully understand this document.

This only affects the USD/COP, USD/ARS, and RIF/USD CoinPairPrice proxy contracts implementations.

Technical procedure to change the CoinPairPrice implementations

In order to fix these contracts implementations a change contract must be deployed and it will be necessary go through the voting process to make the changes.

The changer contract to vote would be:

Name Address (and link to verified code in RSK blockscout explorer)
BatchUpgrader 0xAC346b1C8E0204D8f8612856b472343c5eeA3793
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:mega: Call to MOC holders: This proposal is being voted on. How to vote Tutorial.

:mega: Llamado a los MOC holders: Esta propuesta se está votando. Tutorial de cómo votar.

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:mega: The voting process is over:

  • 28.14% of the MOC tokens total supply participated in the vote.
  • 100% of the participants voted in favor.
  • No one voted against the proposal.
  • The change was successfully implemented