Migration to OKU Trade and adjustments to block duration parameters


Since the implementation of these changes we have seen changes and adjustments that need to be made.

  1. Change the Unisawp/Oku BTC/RIF pool to be used for one with greater liquidity ¹.
  2. Fix BTC to MOC reverse auction to also accept basecoin and not just wrBTC.
  3. Modify the time weighted average price of the Fee Token Price Providers from 1800s to 120s to be more in line with the activity level.
  4. Fix address output of the commission splitters

¹ We have seen that liquidity has migrated to a new pool.

Technical procedure to achieve these changes

:warning: Warning: some technical/coding knowledge is necessary to fully understand this document.

In order to make all these changes, a Change Contract must be put to a vote in the governance system and after the community reaches consensus, the changes will be executed.

The changer contract to vote would be:

Name Address ¹
FixReverseAuctionProposal.sol 0xE326C14ee61C343f701846e17D0d41eBd16aeBf9

¹ The contract address links point to the verified codes in the RSK explorer.